Sunday, February 17, 2013

Video Marketing becomes an important tool

Youtube has become a destination location for entertainment and education bringing tens of thousands of viewers a day to content.  which may make you wonder a little about these few questions:

Is Youtube viable for marketing?   The answer I believe is yes!
The reason my answer is yes to Youtube being viable is simply the facts.  First, you need to look at Youtube much as on demand TV channel.  Your video commercials need to not only be great visuals to have the most impact but also audio.  That does not mean the images have to be perfect.  A reasonable video editor can take a simple still shot of a product and slowly zoom in or out.  Along with an effective voice over can really be effective.

Does skipping ads on Youtube make ads less effective
A good metric on how well your message is grabbing viewers from the beginning is how soon viewers skip your ads.  It is important that the key phrases are upfront in your video ad or video commercial on Youtube so that those interested in your product or service are willing to watch.  Now this is assuming your doing a large geographic area or local area.  However, you can also trigger ads by keywords.  If your still getting a lot of skips than even with narrow targeting then consider making two or three video with different approaches to determine which video ad has more of an impact.  A powerful right to the point video ad will capture the viewer and keep them from skipping.  However, I highly doubt you will have a zero skip rate.  I do suggest that you put the key elements of your messages close to the front so that at 50% they have received those elements.

To see some good examples of video ads, you can view this channel -

Bruce Everiss dances with no limits to age

Bruce Everiss was helping Lizzie Stabler set up her video camera for another shoot. She kept it going and recorded Bruce then took it back to the office and edited it and added a soundtrack. The video has proved quite popular for some reason. Probably it is strange to see a middle aged man dancing like an 18 year old. Even if what you see was mostly created by clever editing, which Lizzie is very good at. Hopefully the video will prove popular with many more people. It seems that everyone who knows Bruce Everiss has already seen it.

Coco is proof that butt lift workouts get results

The million dollar question a lot of women are asking is how can I get a bigger-sexier butt? The answer for most is simple. Find the right butt lift workout and train faithfully. Will you see results? You bet! In fact, Coco is proof that butt lift workouts produce results. Now, before you watch Coco doing her personal workout routine for a sexy butt, please understand that shape is important. Which means that you're butt doesn't need to be as big as Coco's in order to turn heads.
If you think that I am just talking...ask any guy, most will agree that the shape of the butt is what makes a butt attractive. Just think about a fat out of shape butt....Now think about a petite girl with an apple shaped butt. My point? Be happy with what you have. Then and only then, put in the work to make it look sexier.

demonstrating Salsa Lessions Video

Salsa is a fast social latin dance, danced in clubs, ballrooms and on the streets.  There are many styles of Salsa including:  New York Mambo (On 2 / Eddie Torres), Casino Rueda, Cuban, L.A. (Los Angeles) and On 1.
We will look at the On 1 style.  The dancers in the video are demonstrating 3 of the Salsa patterns you would learn near the beginning of your Salsa experience. Learn these figures well, they will be reused as parts of
combinations even at the most advanced levels. For more resources on Salsa and other dances please visit, or click the YouTube channel link on the expanded video.

Salsa (Dance), Instructional Video, Latin Dancing, BLong206B