Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Online Reputation Management Services explained

It used to be so simple to monitor your business' reputation. It wasn't easy for unhappy customers to bad mouth your company to the masses, because it was too expensive and too difficult to spread the word via television, radio or newspaper. Prior to the Internet these were the only tools for mass communication.
However, although the Internet has brought huge benefits to small and large businesses alike, it also has brought negative factors into the game because it has made it easier for people to voice their thoughts and opinions on line at no cost, and these communications are instantaneous. Social websites such as Facebook and Twitter, and review sites such as Yelp and CitySearch, make it incredibly easy for your customers to tell the world how good...and how bad, your service actually is. A simple comment on a blog or video review of your product or service could go viral - which is great if the review or comment is positive, but terrible news if it's negative.
So, if you're not managing your online reputation, then you could be losing business to your competitors without even knowing it. If you don't have time, or don't know how to manage your online reputation, then you need to consider hiring an expert in online reputation management services.
A good online reputation management service company will help you to evaluate where you currently stand, and will put in place a program that will help to build, or rebuild, your company's reputation online. Are you starting from a position of strength, or do you already have some negative online reviews posted on third party websites? Do you have nothing online about your company right now? These are important questions to answer before starting work, and should have an influence on your strategy.
You should be aware that people who are considering doing business with you will go online and search for your company name. And they may not necessarily end up on your own website first. They may land on a review site such as Yelp, Kudzu, YellowPage or many others that are out there. So it is vital that whichever website they land on, they only read good things about you and your company, or they might just walk away to your competition.
If you would like to know more about our Online Reputation Management Services then please visit our website at http://www.HowHaveWeDone.com

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do you have your foreclosure defense

Don't let the bank kick you and your family to the curb unnecessarily. Stop foreclosure with our help! Make the bank prove that they have the right to do so with Legal Armor.
As more and more American homeowners are discovering that their so-called lender does not actually own their loan, and often times does not have the proper legal right to foreclose, they are fighting back to stop foreclosure of their homes.
Unfortunately, foreclosure defense attorneys are expensive and finding a foreclosure defense attorney who actually understands how to stop foreclosure is even more difficult. With this in mind, we have created this foreclosure defense service to help American homeowners access knowledgeable, high quality legal defense.
Join Legal Armor today for affordable access to legal help to stop foreclosure. With Legal Armor, we will connect you with a network foreclosure defense attorney with whom you can have an in-depth and intelligent conversation about your options, and possibly even staying in your home.